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membru din 16 April 2012


The Australian Australorp Standards - Australorp Club of Australia Inc.

CARRIAGE: Erect and graceful, denoting an active fowl, the head being carried well above the tail line. The bird MUST be balanced.

TYPE: Body deep and broad, showing somewhat greater length than depth.

Breast full and rounded, carried well forward without bulging, breast bone long and straight

Back broad across shoulders and the saddle, with a sweeping curve from neck to tail.

Tail full and compact, rising gradually from the sickles gracefully curved but not long and streaming.

Wings compact and carried closely, the ends being covered by the saddle hacks.

Finely modeled and skull rounded

Beak slightly curved, strong and of medium length

Eyes large prominent and expressive; high on skull, standing well out when viewed from the front and back.

Face full, fine in texture, clean, free from feathers wrinkles and overhanging brows.

Comb single, medium in size, erect, evenly serrated [ 4 to 6 serrations ] and blade tending downwards without touching the neck, texture fine, but not of glace appearance

Wattles medium in size, rounded at the bottom and corresponding in texture to the comb.

Ear Lobes small and elongated

NECK Fairly long, fine at the junction of the head, with a gradual outward curve to the back, widening directly at the shoulders.

PLUMAGE Feathering soft, but close, with a minimum of fluff, only sufficient to cover the thighs.

SKIN Fine in texture

LEGS and FEET Medium in length, strong bayonet shaped, and spaced well apart. The hocks being nearly covered by body feathering and the whole of the shanks showing below the underline.
Shanks and feet free from feather or down.
Toes four, straight and well spread.

The general characteristics are similar to those of the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences. The pelvic bone should be more pliable, not showing an excess of fat or gristle; abdominal skin being fine and pliable, without an excess of internal fat. All these part to be of fine texture; any indication of coarseness should be discountenanced

A):Shanks strong, as differentiated from either extreme coarseness or fineness of bone.

B):Pelvic Bones strong at the baselong and straight to be as free as possible from gristly covering. Undue importance not to be attached to male birds.

C):Abdomen to be elastic, avoiding sagging down or hardness, indicating excess fat; skin to be fine and pliable

Male and Female:
Plumage : Black throughout with lustrous green sheen.
Beak : Black, with allowable gradation of white (horn)
Eye: Black or dark brown iris, black is preferred.
Comb: Face, ear-lobes and wattles bright red
Shanks and Feet: Black, dark slate permitted in adults.
Skin: White
Souls of Feet and Toenails: White

BLUE: Male Plumage: Hackles, back, tail, sickles, side hangers and wing-bow: Rich deep slate, the darker the better. Flights blue slate.
Remainder of Plumage; clear slate blue ground colour, each feature distinctly laced with dark slate. The contrast between ground colour and lacing to be well defined.
In Both Sexes: Beak, eye. Comb, face, wattles, ear-lobes, skin, shanks and feet as for the Black.

WEIGHTS: Recommended weights as proposed by the "2nd Edition Australian Poultry Standards Committee" for their Second Edition Upgrade.
Whilst these weights are not those proposed by the Australorp Club of Australia Inc. in our submissions in 2006, they are within an acceptable range to our breeders.


Cock 3.60 - 4.10 kg
Cockerel 3.20 - 3.60 kg
Hen 2.750 - 3.10 kg
Pullet 2.25 - 2.75 kg

sursa: www.australorps.com/4.html
Australorp Male Standard; Australorp Male Standard
Australorp Male Standard
Australorp Female Standard; Australorp Female Standard
Australorp Female Standard

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